Say it after me: “I might be wrong. You may be right.” See that wasn’t that hard!!! Well, actually that was really hard, especially if we’re talking to our spouse, who clearly is totally off on this one, and do I have to explain it *again* to him why my way is right? It took Joe and me many years to make the phrase, “You may be right” a regular part of our vocabularies, yet sometimes it’s the last thing I want to say. Especially when I really am right. Which I usually am.
But our marriage improved so much when shifted away from needing to be right every time. When we added the humility that the Bible describes as not thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought to think.
Maybe my husband is right. Is it worth considering? I think so!
Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves
Phillipians 2:3

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