By Tara Buchanan

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We’re Joe and Tara

No matter how perfect someone’s marriage looks from the outside, every relationship has its struggles. We’ve been married for 26 years and in that time we’ve have had our own share of obstacles. From healing from childhood abuse to battling our own sin and selfishness, we know marriage is not easy. But we do believe when God enters the equation and we surrender our lives to Him, it’s always worth it. Stick around as we share the struggles and stories behind our smiles.

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The Behind Our Smiles Podcast

What we are talking about lately...

Let’s Cuddle!

Do you like to cuddle with your spouse?  Cuddling isn’t just for babies and puppies!  Taking time each day to hold each other and enjoy that physical closeness is great for our physical and mental health!  In this episode we share about why we love cuddling and how it has benefitted our marriage! ... VIEW POST

I’m Not Talking to You!

This is our final week in our series on the Gottmans’ Four Horsemen.  Our final horseman is stonewalling, which is when one person withdraws and refuses to engage in a conversation. Is stonewalling.  When is stonewalling harmful and when is it helpful?  How do we handle conflict when we are flooded ... VIEW POST

You’re So Stupid!

We are in third week of our series on the Gottman’s Four Horsemen.   One of those most dangerous of all the horsemen is contempt, which John Gottman calls the “sulfuric acid for love”.   Contempt begins when simmering negative thoughts about our spouse grow into a belief that our spouse is inferior ... VIEW POST

You’re So Defensive!

This is our second episode in our series on Gottman’s 4 horseman as we tackle to the topic of defensiveness.  When the horse of defensiveness is running wild in our marriage, we go into self-protection mode and refuse to take responsibility for our behavior. In this episode we’re sharing our ... VIEW POST

You Always You Never

This episode is our first in a series where we are discussing the Gottmans’ work on the “Four Horsemen”: the four conflict patterns that can cause damage in our relationships and marriages.  We’re starting with criticism, which is bringing up a concern by describing our partner (You always you ... VIEW POST

What Makes You Smile?

Every week, we love to share the stories behind our smiles.  We talk about how we pursue connection and find joy even in the struggle.  But we know that you have a story behind your smiles, as well!  Have you and your spouse overcome obstacles in your marriage?  Is there a time God intervened in an ... VIEW POST