By Tara Buchanan

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We’re Joe and Tara

No matter how perfect someone’s marriage looks from the outside, every relationship has its struggles. We’ve been married for 26 years and in that time we’ve have had our own share of obstacles. From healing from childhood abuse to battling our own sin and selfishness, we know marriage is not easy. But we do believe when God enters the equation and we surrender our lives to Him, it’s always worth it. Stick around as we share the struggles and stories behind our smiles.

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The Behind Our Smiles Podcast

What we are talking about lately...

A Marriage Blessing!

Before our son got married, we had a chance to sit down with the parents of the bride for a night of prayer and blessing for our kids.  In this episode, we share how that conversation went as we prepared our kids to build a marriage, and not just for a wedding.  Bless the Lord Unity ... VIEW POST

I Love Weddings!

Do you love weddings?  We have always loved weddings, but a wedding as the parents of the groom was a whole different experience! In this episode, we reflect on our son’s wedding day and how attending weddings encourage our marriage (and make me cry….) Stephen & Anna’s First Dance ... VIEW POST

I Want to Be Free!

Do you feel “free” in your marriage?  That might depend on on your definition of freedom! There are many cliches about marriage being the end of freedom, but the right kind of freedom makes a marriage healthy.  In this week’s episode we talk about the importance of both freedom and boundaries in ... VIEW POST

It’s the Little Things

Do you remember all the little things you would do for your spouse when you first met and got married?  We took such joy in giving an receiving those small acts of love.  As the years go by, we can let the little things go.  In this episode, we talk about how keeping up with the little things has ... VIEW POST

This is what’s hurting right now

Have mental health struggles affected your marriage? When one spouse is struggling, both spouses are affected, often in different ways.After our conversation with Dr. Mork last week, we wanted to reflect on what she shared how it relates to what we have experienced in our marriage.  ... VIEW POST

You Should…

How do you feel when someone starts a sentence with “you should…”  No one likes being told what to do. Some of that comes from our own aversion to being corrected, and some of that is when someone is talking to us as if they know more.  This dynamic shows up in our marriage as well and we start ... VIEW POST