I haven’t bought brown paper bags in for-ever. But with Joe working in an office now I get to pack his lunch! Plus with paper bags I can even decorate the outside 🙂 And I really can’t complain because he’s a simple man who is very happy to eat peanut butter and jelly every day 🙂
I know some modern women don’t see lunch-making as proper work or their responsibility. I’m old-fashioned in that I don’t see it as a chore but a simple way to serve my husband. As I go through the motions of putting food in bags, I’m reminded to pray for my husband and think about his day. A time to be grateful for his job and the ways the Lord has provided for us.
Later in his day that small act of love gives him a boost when he knows I’m thinking of him (lunch love notes don’t hurt either!) And mostly, I know that if I didn’t make him a lunch, he’d forget to eat.
Packing his lunch is just one way I can show that I love Joe and that I care about him. Sometimes it’s those daily acts of love that add up the most. Serving each other in those small tasks is more fun than just doing everything on our own. Our marriage grows when we’re able to say, “Wow, you did that for me! Thank you!” What are the small ways that you serve your spouse?
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