Ever notice that people have different texting personalities? Texting didn’t show up until over ten years into our marriage, and I noticed those difference when Joe and I started texting more regularly. Then when emoticons and emojis entered the scene, I started to feel slightly offended at what I perceived to be a lack of emotion in his texts. I’d send rows of exclamation points and smiley faces and he was way too much to the point, aka, “Okay.”
I know that it’s not for lack of love for me, but he is different in how he expresses it. But one day, I simply told him how I felt and asked him for more emoji. I don’t know, but even that little heart at the end of his “Okay” makes all the difference for me. He took that step towards me when he understood the impact a simple emoji made. And in return, when he does send a boring, “Sounds good” text, I don’t worry about it. We do have different ways of communicating and that is “Okay.” 🙂 And yes, just to be goofy, he’ll often send me rows of obnoxious emojis just to make me laugh.
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