Joe’s wrapping up his first official week working in the WCIC office!! It’s been an adjustment for me getting used to him being gone after having him home for so long. I really missed him!! So I love it when he texts me to let me know he’s leaving. One thing we have always done in our marriage is to make a big deal about our comings and goings. Joe is really good about seeing me off whenever I leave. It’s our chance to touch base with the plan, make sure I have what I need to go, and of course an I love you and a kiss good bye.
I’m really good at greeting him when he comes home because I get excited even if he’s just coming back from the hardware store. I’m worse than the dog. 😛 But really, I always stop what I’m doing and greet him at the door, sometimes in the garage if I’m especially excited, and give him a kiss and take anything he needs help carrying in.
Even when we’re not doing well, or there are things we need to discuss that are bothering us, we keep these routines. Always a kiss goodbye, always a warm welcome home. Even if I hug him while halfway glaring at him thinking, you know I’m still upset. 🤨Because as cliche as it sounds, it’s true you never know what will happen after you part ways and we always want our last interaction to be positive. Sure, we know that we love each other… but saying it just one more time is always a good idea. 😊
That’s why I love this quote from Luther. It’s not so much about greeting each other but it is about the atmosphere you build. I’ve always believed that it was in my power to make our home somewhere that my husband wanted to be. I could choose to be the kind of person that my husband wanted to spend time with. And that Joe can treat me in a way that makes me want to have him around more, not less.
Do you have leaving and arriving habits with your spouse? How do you welcome your spouse home?
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